How to Cut the Base Size :A Step by Step Guide

In general, the base size of the stock men’s hairpiece is  8” wide and 10” long, which may not fit everyone. Therefore, some people may want to cut the base size. However, how to cut the base size is a question worth pondering. In this post, we will tell you how to cut the base size step by step.

Determining the Base Size

For instance, if you need a base size of 7” wide and 9” long, the first thing you should do is to measure the base size and mark some points on your base.

measure the base size

Before cutting, you need to prepare a pencil, a measuring tape, a tail comb, a pair of scissors, hair clips, and a mannequin head. Put the hairpieces on the mannequin head. Measure 0.5” from the left side and mark it with the pencil. And then do the same measurement from the right side. Then the width of the center part is 8”-0.5”-0.5”=7”. Measure from the back 1” and mark the point with a pencil. Then the length is 9”.

mark the point

Draw a line to connect these points and extend the line to the front hairline.

 draw a line in base

So far, you’ve now outlined your desired size on the base.

Cutting the Base

Insert the tail of the tail comb into the hair along the line you drew, and make sure to press the base with your hand during this time. 

inset the tail comb to the hair

It’s worth noting that when you cut the base, the hair on the base will also be cut. In case you cut too much hair, you need to use the comb to part the hair along this line. Then turn the toupee over, we can see that the hair has been parted along this line.

part the hair

You should continue to use the tail of the tail comb to part the remaining hair on the parting. Until the line is clear.

comb the hair

Finally, use the clip to fix the hair on one side that you want to keep.

 fix the hair

Now, you can cut the base along the parting.

cut the base

After cutting the base, you can erase pencil marks with a rubber.

Your base size is now adjusted to 7 inches wide and 9 inches long.

After cutting the base size, now you can learn how to stick men’ s hairpiece.

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